According to the company, Search Server 2008 Express includes enterprise class search capabilities of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. The server has a set of search features, including security-enhanced search capabilities for businesses. It does not have preset document limits, which will enable companies to have flexibility in the amount of information they can index and for users it provides access to relevant results.

We believe there is a core set of enterprise search features that every business should have, and we’re delivering them for free in Search Server 2008 Express, said Kirk Koenigsbauer, general manager of the SharePoint Business Group at Microsoft.

We want people inside organizations to have a full view of the content stored within our systems as well as any other. Search Server 2008 Express offers the kind of complete access we think is critical to information management, said Jens Rabe, vice president and general manager of Microsoft Line of Business for Open Text.

Microsoft is working with a number of partners such as Open Text, Business Objects, Cognos and EMC, as well as with its own product groups, to create new connections based on the OpenSearch standard. The company says that the free connectors that index content from EMC’s Documentum and IBM’s FileNet are expected to be available across its portfolio of search products in early 2008. By using a common platform, it can offer products that meet the needs of small, medium-sized and large businesses.

IBM also offer free enterprise search tool in partnership with Yahoo, called the IBM OmniFind Yahoo Edition. However, unlike Microsoft’s product, OmniFind has a preset document limit of 500,000 documents or web pages that can be indexed.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates