Microsoft, IBM and VeriSign have also revealed that they have plans to release another five security specifications during the next 18 months in order to provide the security measures that businesses now need.

The release of WS-Security has won the backing of Sun Microsystems. Sun had previously been working on its own rival Web services security specification, but WS-Security’s royalty free licensing caused Sun to withdraw its objections to the specification. Sun has said that it will now work with its rivals to improve security specifications through the OASIS group, as well as focusing its development work on WS-Security. Sun’s unexpected support for WS-Security has calmed fears about a possible standards war over Web services security specifications.

Other companies such as BEA Systems, Cisco, RSA Security and Intel have announced that they will follow Sun’s lead and support WS-Security. The companies are also said to be planning to work with the OASIS group to improve technology standards.