Ryan Pitylak, a student at the University of Texas in Austin, and California resident Mark Trotter were named in the suits, which claim breaches of Washington spam law, Texas trade law, and the CAN-SPAM Act.

This outfit, according to The SpamHaus Project’s Register of Known Spam Operations, ROKSO, is the fourth-largest spamming group, going by the names PerAction LLC, Leadplex LLC and Leadplex Inc, all Nevada companies.

Microsoft’s suit claims the defendants failing to identify millions of messages as being spam, and that spoofed domains and misleading text was used, in violation of CAN-SPAM.

The alleged spammers were traced from e-mails caught by Hotmail and MSN spam traps, as well as through the work of Texas resident Dewey Coffman, chief executive of anti-spam vendor Net-Sieve Inc.

The Texas complaint claims that the defendants’ spam attempted to gather leads for loans and mortgage companies.