WebFives, previously called Vizrea, was founded by former Microsoft engineer Michael Toutonghi. It offers social networking with a focus on mobile media, including video, music, and photos.

According to the post in WebFives’ website, chief executive Michael Toutonghi said that the company would close its service on December 31, 2007 and any content previously uploaded will be deleted from the servers.

Microsoft will incorporate WebFives services to its products and services, including Windows Live web-based services and MSN online multimedia content site. Mr Toutonghi also encouraged users to use MSN Spaces or Windows Live services as an alternative to WebFives.

According to Infroworld, Microsoft has been trying to enhance its online services group, which oversees MSN and Windows Live to compete with Google. In November 2005, Microsoft rebranded many of the former MSN services Windows Live and announced its intention to roll out more services to complement its e-mail and instant-messaging services.

In August 2007, Microsoft acquired digital media services company aQuantive for $6 billion to enhance its web-advertising services.

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