Microsoft has announced Surface, a new line of tablet PCs that will be powered by company’s upcoming Windows 8 operating system, and its first foray into computer manufacturing since the 80s.

Surface will be available in two models, one running an ARM processor featuring Windows RT and one with a third-generation Intel Core processor featuring Windows 8 Pro.

It will feature a full-sized USB port and a 16:9 aspect ratio screen with edges angled at 22 degrees for ease of use.

Both tablets will come with a built-in kickstand that allow users transit the tablet from active use to passive consumption, such as standing them up to watch movies. This is de rigeur for iPad users, many of whom will have purcahsed Apple’s £35 magnetic smartcovers.

The Surface has a magnesium case that Microsoft calls VaporMg through which parts can be molded as thin as .65 mm.

It also features a 3mm Touch Cover that utilises a pressure-sensitive technology to sense keystrokes as gestures, enabling users to touch type significantly faster than with an on-screen keyboard. Consumers can also purchase a 5mm Cover that adds moving keys for a more traditional typing feel.

The RT version measures 9.3 mm, weighs 676 g and comes in both 32-gigabyte and 64-gigabyte orientations while the Surface for Windows 8 Pro measures 13.5 mm, weighs 903g and comes in 64 GB and 128 GB.