In Argentina, Microsoft Sites topped all Web properties in audience size in April with online population reaching more than 95%, while visitors averaged the most time on Facebook at 8.8 hours per visitor during the month, according to a new study by comScore.

In April 2011, nearly 13 million people of age 15 and older accessed the Internet from a home or work location in Argentina spending an average of 26.9 hours online during the month.

Microsoft Sites led as the most-visited online property reaching nearly 12.4 million unique visitors, representing 95.1% of the entire online population.

Google Sites ranked second with nearly 12.3 million visitors (94.3%), followed by Facebook with 11.5 million visitors (88.6%).
In terms of user engagement, Facebook led the way with visitors averaging 8.8 hours on the property during the course of April.

When compared to markets globally, Argentina’s users average the second highest amount of time on behind Israel, where visitors averaged 10.6 hours during April.

The report revealed that male and female composed nearly equal parts of the online population in Argentina. Males accounted for 50.5% of online users, while females accounted for 49.5% of users.

Young users accounted for the largest share of visitors among each gender with males between the ages 15-24 accounting for 15% of the online population, while females 15-24 accounted for 14.2% of visitors.

Young users also averaged the most minutes online with males between the ages of 15-24 averaging 33.7 hours during April, followed by females of age 15-24 with 31.4 hours during the month. Users age 15-34 accounted for nearly 60% of all time spent online in Argentina.