Microsoft has enlarged its data platform products base with the introduction of a new database version, the SQL Server 2014, at a customer event in San Francisco, US.

SQL Server 2014, which is part of the company’s plans to offer products for the era of ambient intelligence, is claimed to be the successor of the world’s most widely deployed database.

The new database platform is said to offer better performance with built-in in-memory technology as well as public cloud scale and disaster recovery with Microsoft Azure.

Latest version of the database also features new Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities, while offering building blocks that allow users to connect data, refine as well as analyze and deliver insights on it.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said, "The era of ambient intelligence has begun, and we are delivering a platform that allows companies of any size to create a data culture and ensure insights reach every individual in every organization."

Additionally, the company has launched services such as the Microsoft Azure Intelligent Systems Service, which helps customers adopt IoT and the Analytics Platform System (APS) that integrates SQL Server database and Hadoop technology.

Microsoft Azure Intelligent Systems Service allows customers to securely deploy IoT to connect, manage and capture machine-generated data from sensors and devices based on a variety of operating systems.

Features of the SQL Server 2014 include support for in-memory Online Transaction Processing that enables user to manipulate millions of records and scale analytics applications to records in SQL Server Analysis Services.