Microsoft Windows Intune, which helps manage and secure the desktops of their highly mobile workforces through the cloud without any on-premises investment, has been adopted by Global nonprofit ‘Save the Children’, professional services company ‘goetzpartners’ and e-discovery firm ‘eLitigation Solutions’ to help them solve some of their daunting IT challenges.

IT staffers at Save the Children, goetzpartners and e-Litigation Solutions rely on Windows Intune to help ensure the security and reliability of all desktops within their respective organisations.

Save the Children U.S Technology senior director Ken Supersano said by using Windows Intune, the organisation can save $20,000 a year in malware costs and $50,000 in Windows 7 licenses for staff at headquarters.

"That’s money we can funnel back into field programs that benefit children in more than 120 countries around the world," said Supersano.

Windows Intune brings together Windows cloud services and a Windows 7 Enterprise subscription to simplify PC management and security, delivering the benefits of a modern operating system and provides remote assistance, software updates, hardware and software tracking capabilities, and the ability to set security policies.

Windows Intune also allows IT staff to get a simple snapshot of what is going on with their PC environments, including status of updates, software, endpoint protection, licensing and more.