German computer telephony integration (CTI) software specialist Micrologica AG yesterday unveiled two acquisitions, but declined to reveal financial terms of the deals. The two companies the Bargteheide-based outfit bought are Aviso GmbH, a software house from the town of Bielefeld, and Hamburg-based Brill & Partner Management GmbH, a consultancy firm. A spokesperson for Micrologica said both acquisitions were financed by the company’s September IPO on Frankfurt’s Neuer Markt (CI No 3,499), which raised some $18m. Micrologica said that Aviso’s Clientel software will enable Micrologica’s core product, MCC, to link to SAP’s R/3 ERP package, a facility the company expects to launch at Cebit in March. In November Micrologica acquired Softek, a Munich-based software house with a CTI package aimed at smaller companies than MCC’s target market.