Graphics software firm Micrografx Inc has completed the acquisition of privately held Java multimedia document operation WebKnight Inc. Financial terms of the agreement have not been disclosed. Richardson, Texas-based Micrografx has said the buy will not have material financial impact. Micrografx bought California-based WebKnight, established in 1995 for its Instant Coffee Java-based multimedia applications generator, enabling enhanced communications capabilities across Micrografx’s product line. Micrografx anticipates it will be able to get Java products to market quicker as a result of the deal. Under the terms of the agreement Micrografx will employ WebKnight founders and principle engineers Kyle Tran and Kiet Dieu, and push ahead with the extension of its product line to deliver cross-platform interactive Java. In August the company reported record losses of $6.2m for the year to June 30, on turnover that dropped 10.2% to $15.0m (CI No 3,279).