This week’s Which Computer? Show in Birmingham provides the setting for Micro Focus Plc to launch a new interface application – Dialog System – enabling migration from MS-DOS to OS/2, running under a window in Presentation Manager mode. Dialog System enables users to change screen layouts on-line without changing the application, and means the screen interface can be quickly prototyped into Cobol applications. Programs written in this environment are claimed to be smaller, simpler and easier to write. Dialog System costs UKP500 and supports Common User Access character screens that conform to IBM’s Systems Application Archtecture standard. In addition the Newbury, Berkshire based company has upgraded its Cobol/2 Workbench to support IBM DB2 calls. The package now enables development of DB2 applications on personal computers for both micro and mainframe environments. Cobol/2 provides 10 language dialects, is compatible with all mainframe Cobol systems, supports X/Open standards and costs UKP2,000. Micro Focus is also pressing on into the Unix market with a $1m contract from Motorola Computer Systems to do a Cobol/2 version for the 88000 RISC chip. Initial ships to Motorola begin in the second quarter, and the compiler will be distributed via the Motorola division from mid-year. Motorola vice-president Wayne Sennett regards Cobol/2 as critical to the success of the 88000 chip because it opens so many application opportunities and conforms to all the major industry standards.