Outside the Univel Inc sphere of influence, integration of Unix with Novell NetWare local networks is to get a further hand when Irving, Texas-based Micro Computer Systems Inc releases its UniLink Basic and NetBIOS software later this month. The products are said to enable NetWare clients to access applications hosted on Unix, without having to use separate connections or mount different sets of protocols. UniLink Basic, at from $1,000, enables users to log in to Unix hosts and establish terminal sessions using emulation, as well as transferring files: it includes application programming int-erfaces and Token Ring device drivers. UniLink NetBIOS, from $700, brings a NetWare-compatible NetBIOS application programming interface. The software initially supports personal computers run-ning Santa Cruz Unix or Interactive Unix, with a SunSoft Solaris 1.0 version set for March and Solaris 2.0 (Unix System V.4) support later this year.