Metrologie Internationale SA is forecasting a first half consolidated net loss equivalent to some $11.5m, Reuter reports from Paris. That compares with a net loss for $15.3m for the first half and $1,171m for the full year. As reported, Metrologie will sell its 91.3% stake in SMO Bureautique to Ricoh Co Ltd for $37.3m, giving the Japanese company full control. Metrologie said the sale, and others under way, will bring it gains of about $6.7m for 1992, to be taken mostly in the second half. Metrologie said the sale of the SMO stake would enable it to cut its debt by about $67m, including the clearing of SMO’s debt from its balance sheet. At end 1991 Metrologie had total debt of $196m. Metrologie is indirectly controlled by diversified French banking gorup Cie Financiere de Paribas.