UK based urban newspaper brand, Metro, is set to launch a new multi-platform website, Android app and Kindle Fire edition of its regional free sheet as part of its ‘mobile first’ strategy.

The newspaper brand will soon launch an Android app, based on Apple’s iPad app released in 2012, and will also refurbish its as well as Kindle Fire edition is planned for release before 25 December 2012.

Expected to debut on 05 December 2012, the new website will enable readers swipe stories, Facebook commenting and improved social sharing.

Metro managing director Linda Grant told The Guardian the newspaper is as fit for purpose now as it was in 1999.

"Like all good visions it will always be a work in progress. Finally the platforms and devices are here to leverage beyond morningprint," Grant said.

The ‘mobile first’ strategy is aimed at assisting Metro to break out its dependency on distribution on the London Underground network as well as other public transport.

Further, the firm is also planning to trial mobile payments option that may include scannable ads or editorial content for the fashion, home or technology sheets in the print version, or click-to-buy operation on its mobile site and applications.