MetLife has unveiled its enhanced consumer resource, the MetLife Oral Health Library. The company claims that this web-based resource helps individuals take a proactive role in understanding and making better choices about their oral health. It contains information and tools to help people ask their dentist informed questions about their dental benefits, dental care and their risk for dental disease.

Mike Schwartz, vice president of dental product management at MetLife, said: “The reported link between oral health and overall health has encouraged many people to seek out information to help them make better oral health and dental benefits choices. Education takes on an even more significant role as people assume greater responsibility for their overall health. The enhanced MetLife Oral Health Library draws from a wealth of professional resources to make it as easy as possible for people to obtain important insights to help improve their oral health and that of their families.”

The MetLife Oral Health Library now includes information about the associations between oral health and overall health, such as the oral health implications of diabetes, heart disease, and smoking. The interactive tools available in the library can also help consumers and their families assess their risk for periodontal disease and tooth decay.