Merge Healthcare and Confirma have entered into an agreement for Merge to acquire Confirma in order to combine forces on expanding CAD technology.

This acquisition brings Confirma’s patented and proven technologies to Merge’s multiple market channels and international markets, and provides a mechanism to expand adoption of this important technology.

Justin Dearborn, CEO of Merge Healthcare, said: “CAD technology is still at an early adoption phase in the market for most indications, but it has significant opportunity as a tool for reducing imaging costs in today’s healthcare reform environment. Together with Confirma, we believe we can now better realize the long term global potential for this technology.”

Wayne Wager, CEO of Confirma, said: “Our customers understand the core benefits of CAD as a clinical workflow tool. By combining our patented CAD applications with Merge’s broader health IT solutions and global presence, we can better take advantage of current and future growth opportunities and, thus, extend our solutions to more clinicians.”