Merge Healthcare has released Frontiers 4.2.2, a surgery management solution, to improve hospital workflow by capturing and charting clinical data throughout the entire perioperative-care process.


Frontiers automates the demanding clinical and business documentation requirements in the operating room, allowing clinicians and physicians to better focus on patient care, said the company.


Frontiers 4.2.2 introduces the ability to capture each surgery-related charge at the point of care, as well as to transcribe physiological data at any existing Windows-based charting station within a hospital. Using this electronic surgical record, hospital administrators can have access to detailed data that can improve enterprise-wide processes.


Nancy Koenig, President of Merge Healthcare, said: “We are pleased to deliver these new solutions so quickly after Merge’s acquisition of the Frontiers product line. We have rapidly integrated the division into our business while improving product delivery for our customers.”


“Frontiers’ surgery management solution is a critical component of a patient’s electronic medical record. Product enhancements that improve system deployment, interoperability and adoption are essential to the patient quality initiatives underlying the national healthcare agenda,” he added.