Mercury’s Visage CS Thin Client/Server is an innovative server-based solution for advanced volume rendering and 3D visualization for OEM medical imaging system suppliers. It provides full volume rendering and 3D workstation capabilities on thin clients anywhere in the hospital enterprise, enabling standard PCs and laptops to act as fully functional medical workstations.

All medical image data processing and visualization is performed on a central server, and the resulting screen content is streamed to the thin client via a standard network connection.

The new technology is already in use at the Baltimore VA medical center, and another internationally recognized medical research facility, where Visage CS PACS systems are enabling progressive research on the integration of 3D into PACS (picture archiving and communications system) solutions.

The biggest barrier to the transition to 3D imaging has been the lack of integration of this capability into PACS workstations, said Dr Eliot Siegel, vice chairman of information systems at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, In the next few years, advanced 3D visualization, image processing, and analysis will be performed centrally, with resources shared across the network.