According to the company, the new Ensemble MCH2020 MicroTCA Carrier Hub provides the control and switching infrastructure for MicroTCA system configurations, with single-module support for three system fabrics: a gigabit ethernet base interface, a RapidIO switch fabric, and an intelligent platform management interface.

The MCH2020 is the third-generation RapidIO switching module within the Ensemble product family, and it can be readily configured with any combination of Ensemble processing AMCs to create a high-performance, real-time system.

Mark Aslett, president and CEO of Mercury Computer Systems, said: Customers in telecommunications and semiconductor manufacturing need to support very high data rates with consistent, low-latency processing power. Our Ensemble ATCA systems do that by combining the RapidIO switch fabric with a broad choice of processing elements. Now customers can use the same system architecture in a MicroTCA solution and achieve impressive levels of performance in a smaller, cost-effective form factor.