The New Year Honours List sees Colin Barker, chairman of British Technology Group, become a Knight while there are OBEs for Peter Kiddle, sales and marketing director with Philips Telecom, and for David Baird Nisbet, deputy managing director at GEC Ferranti Defence Systems. CBEs go to Anthony Egginton, director programmes and deputy chairman at the Science & Engineering Research Council, to Ronald Howard, chairman of GEC Avionics, to Richard King, formerly group chief executive of Cambridge Electronic Industries, and to Gordon Owen, group managing director at Cable & Wireless and chairman of Mercury Communications. MBEs include Allin Brook, field controller at Philips Radio Communications, Peter Faithful, a project manager at Marconi Space Systems, Albert Fowler education liason manager at Hughes Microelectronics, and Frederick Stallard, manager buyer for the ubiquitous GEC Plc.