Santa Clara, California-based start-up Mercury Interactive Corp will use UniForum to announce XRunner, an automated software testing tool for X Window applications. Using its interactive development environment, engineers can test scripts in a C-like programming language. Test scripts can reference variables, perform conditional operations, call other test scripts and handle errors. During test execution, XRunner automatically enters the required input, monitors results and compares them with expected results. XRunner is Output Synchronised. Instead of playing back recorded scripts based on time, the system waits with the next keystroke or mouse movement until the expected feedback appears. The system is windows-sensitive, ensuring correct replay even when windows do not reopen at their previous position and size. XRunner scripts can be modified. Minor script changes can accommodate new features or upgrades so entirely new scripts are not needed. It will also check stress thresholds. The software currently supports Sparcstations. Mercury plans to release versions for HP-UX this month, with the DECstation and RS/6000 following later in the first quarter. Base configuration, including five floating licences, is $35,000.