Mentor Graphics has reported revenue of $188m for the fiscal second quarter ending July 31, 2010, as compared to $182.6m of the same period last fiscal.

For the quarter ended July 31, 2010, the company posted an operating loss of $10.5m, as compared to an operating loss of $11.5m for the same period last year.

Mentor Graphics reported a net loss of $14.2m and $0.35 loss per diluted share, as compared to a net loss of $21.3m and $0.36 loss per diluted share, for the same period in the last fiscal.

Walden Rhines, CEO and chairman of Mentor Graphics, said: "Annualised revenue from renewal contracts in our top ten accounts this quarter grew 45% compared to prior contract values.

"Leading indicators of the business, like consulting and training, were strong, with revenues up 30% and 70% respectively, year over year."

For the fiscal 2011, the company is expecting revenue of about $880m and EPS of about $0.20.