MEMSIC, a MEMS products provider, combining MEMS technology with mixed signal processing and system products, has released its new dual-axis magnetic sensor the MMC212xMR, which is expected to enable the integration of digital compass functionality into various industrial, consumer, and mobile handset applications.

The new offering is a sensing system with on-chip signal processing and integrated I2C bus, allowing the device to be connected directly to a microprocessor without the need for A/D converters or timing resources. It can measure magnetic field with a full range of ±2gausses and a sensitivity of 512 counts/gauss @ 3.0V at 25°C, the company said.

The company’s new offering is said to integrate two-axis magnetic sensors and electronic circuits resulting in a product for system designers.

The MMC212xMR utilises the Anisotropic Magnetoresistive (AMR) technology as MMC2120XM magnetic sensor product. Also, the new offering is packaged in a LGA package (3.0×3.0x1.0mm), which is suited for board space applications like mobile handsets and is available in operating temperature ranges of -40C to + 85°C.

The new offering reportedly works with the company’s Intelligent Heading Correction (IHC) library of auto-calibration and dynamic compensation algorithms to enhance compass performance. The company said that the new offering’s IHC algorithms will enable the compass to establish and maintain an accurate heading.

The MMC212xMR, which is suitable for power sensitive designs, draws 0.55mA of current. It is also suitable for applications such as mobile handsets, personal navigation devices and sports watches, the company noted.