Memorex Telex Inc, headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has announced the 7035 Intelligent System built around the Intel 80386SX. The system board contains onboard SuperVGA video support, as well as co-processor socket, disk drive controller, and an integrated drive electronics fixed disk controller. With keyboard selectable clock speeds of 16MHz or 8MHz, the 7035 is claimed to be powerful enough for users to exploit graphical user interfaces such as Microsoft Windows and OS/2 Presentation Manager. Standard features include 1Mb of memory on the system board, upgradable to 8Mb, with a system maximum of 16Mb. A 1.44Mb 3.5 disk drive, three 16-bit expansion slots, two serial ports, one parallel port and mouse and keyboard ports are also included. There is a range of hard drives and communications options, and Token Ring, Ethernet and ARCnet local area networks are supported. Support for 3270 and AS/400 emulations is available, and other options include a 80387SX maths co-processor, 3.5 and 5.25 disk drives, MS-DOS and OS/2, monitors, modems and tape back-up systems. The 7035 is out next month and costs $2,300.