MediSapiens is based on scientific research at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and its collaborators. The company claimed that it hosts world’s largest unified gene expression database of human tissues and diseases. This enables scientists to understand the role of human genes in health and disease to be applied in helping oncologists in choosing optimal treatments and biopharmaceutical companies in developing next generation personalized medicines.

Tommi Pisto, CEO and Co-founder of MediSapiens, said: The latest research such as The Cancer Genome Atlas funded by the NIH demonstrates that every patient’s cancer is a complex, unique combination of genetic mutations and abnormally expressed genes. The MediSapiens software gives personalized and clinically applicable insight into each patient’s cancer.

Olli Kallioniemi, professor, board member and director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) at MediSapiens, said: Making use of the data produced by the global scientific community provides a new and significant opportunity to understand cancer. Oncologists can benefit when these reference datasets are used to interpret molecular profiling results for individual patients.