Rats seem to be deserting the sinking ship of Fremont, California-based Media Vision Technology Inc: the company now knows that the authorities are investigating it, and Russell Faust has resigned from the board while continuing as chief operating officer, and two of its non-executive directors have suddenly discovered that they are much too busy elsewhere to retain their seats – they are Bernard Vonderschmitt, president of Xilinx Inc, and Curtis Wozniak, vice-president of worldwide marketing at Sun Microsystems Inc; they say other demands on their time made further participation on the board unfeasible, and members will certainly be busier as the enquiry proceeds; the company also says it is reviewing its business activities to identify areas to be cut back as well as those that it will continue to pursue actively – it is discontinuing its development efforts in the set-top business, and has closed its Belleview, Washington development office that does software titles.