Medfusion has acquired Medem’s iHealth suite of services for physicians and the iHealth Personal Health Record solution for patients.

Medfusion provides solutions for both practice and patient, and both Medem and Medfusion offer Personal Health Records (PHRs) for patients. PHRs enable patients to build, manage, and share secure, online versions of their personal health information, said the company.

In addition to creating an expanded service offering, Medfusion welcomes Medem’s 8,000 providers into the Medfusion Physician Network.

Steve Malik, founder and CEO of Medfusion, said: This is a very exciting opportunity for both Medfusion and our clients. This acquisition will accelerate the expansion of our patient communication platform and enable Medfusion to provide even more value to physicians and patients.

With the ARRA stimulus funding nearly in place and the definition of ‘meaningful use’ to include patient access and communication, patient portal technologies are a necessity for physician practices today. The acquisition of the iHealth services allows Medfusion to both broaden our solution offering and provide even more options for physicians to enhance communication with their patients, he added.