San Jose, California-based Compression Labs Inc says that McKinsey & Co Inc is to buy videoconferencing systems for its international ISDN network operating at 128Kbps: the agreement is expected to exceed $1m, and after a six-month pilot test involving four domestic and five international locations, McKinsey has ordered 10 Rembrandt II/VP video codecs and a five-port CLI Multipoint Control Unit; the control unit connects up to eight dispersed locations in a single videoconference, and Compression Labs says that it will integrate the Rembrandt II/VP codecs with Galley 235 Modular Room Systems in each domestic location; Compression’s international distributors will provide the room system in each location, and included in the new codec is a programmable video processor chip that provides the power to support video transmission at from 56Kbps up to 2.048Mbps.