McDonnell Douglas Information Systems has completed the final phase of its Mitratel project in the Regional Ministry of Employment in Zaragoza by connecting all the micros to the Ministry of Employment & Social Security’s host mainframes. The intention behind Mitratel is to give all civil servants in the Department access to information in Spain’s 52 provinces, thereby improving the standard of service provided. McDonnell Douglas used its Tymnet Engines for the nodes of the network and provided the termination equipment to connect the 500 personal computers through Iberpac to the four central computers: both the Department of Unemployment and the Social Security’s Computer Managerial Department have a Unisys 1100 in UTS 400 mode, while Central Services has a Fujitsu M180, and the Managerial Department also has an IBM 3090. Mitratel’s second phase will include Tymnet technology, enabling the interconnection of various manufacturers’ terminals and the optimised use of lines via packet switches and centralised management control.