Archive Corp’s Maynard has enhanced its Novell-certified Archive XL product line by adding data compression, automatic tape formatting and increased verification options: also, the new version of Maynard’s QICStream software, which is bundled with all ArchiveXL subsystems, is expected to ship in June; the Lake Mary, Florida-based company has announced immediate price reductions on the ArchiveXL 80Mb subsystems, cutting the cost to $500 and $680, and the 40Mb subsystems now cost $400 and $580; users that buy any ArchiveXL system after May 17, but before the availability of the new software, will receive free software upgrades, and other users will be able to upgrade for $50; with the new data compression capabilities, a 40Mb system can achieve capacities up to 120Mb, the 80Mb system can achieve up to 250Mb.