Pacific Micro Data Inc of Tustin, California, is shipping the MAST VI Intelligent Disk Array Subsystem with full support of RAID-5, RAID-1 (mirroring) and RAID-0 (data striping): designed for high-end multi-user network servers, the product is said to provide a solid foundation for disk storage supporting AT, EISA and Micro Channel personal computers; the MAST VI Subsystem has a modular, compact design constructed from zinc-plated 18 gauge sheet metal; there are six hot plug drive shuttles, two hot plug cooling fans, a swing-open front door and quick release side panel; standard features include support for 3.5 SCSI disk drives, redundant power supplies in each drive shuttle, dual 100cfm fans, multiple SCSI channels, intelligent SCSI backplane, air-flow sensor alarm and shuttle display light emitting diodes; if a drive should fail, the system remains operational while the drive shuttle is removed and replaced, and data is reconstructed using parity information from the remaining drives in the array; a fully configured MAST VI, which includes RAID-5 software drivers for NetWare 3.11, six 1.2Gb 3.5 SCSI-2 drives, and two EISA SCSI host adaptors is around $31,000.