WordPerfect Corp is triggering a bloodbath ahead of its still unconfirmed flotation, axeing 1,025 employees or 17% of its workforce in a restructuring that sees the company reducing core in-house manufacturing services; transferring the localisation of some international language versions to outside contractors; and outsourcing many other functions that were previously done in-house. Employees at the company’s Orem, Utah County headquarters who receive lay-off notification will continue to receive full salary and benefits for 60 days, and will also have access to career counsel ling, placement services and a full service career resource centre, the comp any said. It acknowledged that the cuts are partly to improve profits in order to brighten chances for a future initial public stock offering. Wordperfect says 1993 sales were over $700m, up about 20%, but that pro fits, which were not given, lagged its turnover growth.