Developed by Masabi, the Java software allows users to securely view account details, statements and balances, in addition to enabling them to make transaction via a user-friendly graphical interface.

The company is now seeking financial technology partners to help bring the productto market.

With more than two billion mobile phones in circulation, many countries now have more mobile subscribers than either fixed line or the internet can reach. However, the uptake of security-dependent mobile applications such as banking and commerce has been a slow process. Masabi aims to drive mass-market uptake by developing applications for a wide range of handsets with a strong focus on usability.

To build a viable mass-market mobile banking application requires a combination of usability and security skills and above all the ability to deliver these on the lowest common denominator handsets, said Tom Godber, CTO and co-founder of Masabi. We have a proven track record of building just such applications and are excited about the prospect of turning our expertise to areas such as mobile banking and commerce.