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Marvell, a provider of storage, communications, and consumer silicon solutions and Videon Central, a provider of Blu-ray Disc and DVD product solutions, have entered into a collaboration to deliver a Blu-ray Disc playback platform aimed at meeting the video quality requirements of the high-end home theatre market.

The new platform comprises Videon’s small form factor Blu-ray and DVD decoder, middleware stack and Marvell’s 88DE2750 digital video format converter with second-generation Qdeo processing.

Qdeo video processing reportedly delivers rich, high-definition quality through a suite of advanced QuietVideo technologies, providing video free of noise and artifacts.

The platform supports BD-Bonus View, BD-Live as well as legacy red laser media such as DVD, DVD-VR, SVCD, VCD and CDDA. The new offering claims to be designed to enable OEMs to quickly bring to market high definition video in high-end home theatre products.

Todd Erdley, president and CEO of Videon Central, said: Videon chose Marvell and its Qdeo technology because we believe they offer the best image quality and the most flexible implementation for our Blu-ray platform. We are excited to bring cutting-edge new video technologies like Qdeo True Color to our customers.