The new contracts won by Marconi include four from provincial operators owned by China Unicom, the country’s second largest telecoms company. They are in Shanghai, Guangdong, Anhui and Fujian. Between them they have purchased Marconi solutions worth $35 million. A fifth provincial operator, Ningxia Telecom, part of China Telecom, has also bought Marconi SDH to develop its network.

Two of China’s major regional utility companies, North China and North East China Electric & Power, have chosen Marconi SDH to build an inter-company connection carrying voice and data at high speed over optical fibre.

In southern China, regional cable television company Jiangmen CATV has purchased a Marconi switching solution which will create a new high speed internet protocol (IP) network serving banks, power utilities, businesses and official organisations including customs. The network will use IP over asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) technology, combining the flexibility and access of internet with the very high speeds attainable from ATM.