Members in the trade association Manchester Digital say it’s now time for TechNorth to be more transparent and consultative with the North West digital and tech community.

A recent poll of its 500 members found that there is broad support for the initiative. However, many feel now is the time for the organisation to get involved with stakeholders in the north and work alongside the existing infrastructure which has been set up by the tech and digital community.

"Today, the Government announced that Manchester’s Northern Quarter will be the home of TechNorth, which is a move widely supported by the digital and tech industries of the City," Katie Gallagher, managing director of Manchester Digital, said.

"The changes should be positive but our members think the organisation is not as engaged with its stakeholders as it could be."

She added: "Our membership backs the TechNorth initiative but thinks that if the central government is to succeed then it needs to start working more closely with businesses and organisations that have made the tech and digital sector flourish.

"This means publishing a roadmap for the project, consulting key organisations such as Manchester Digital and generally being more transparent about the project."