Malibu Media, a Los Angeles-based firm behind, is using lie detectors to carry out polygraph examinations on users who illegally shared its adult content using the BitTorrent file-sharing protocol.

The adult movie maker also assured that it would drop out infringement cases against any of the alleged defendants who get through the test successfully.

However, none of the listed ‘infringers’ of its copyrighted movies have cleared the test, with all polygraph examinations led to a settlement, Bloomberg noted.

Malibu said in its filing that it will dismiss its claims against any Defendant who agrees to and passes a polygraph administered by a licensed examiner of the Defendant’s choosing.

"Out of the entirety of polygraphs administered within the United States by Malibu, no Defendant has passed and all such examinations have subsequently led to the Defendant settling the case," the company added.

In its court filing, Malibu Media noted that nearly 175,000 US residents have allegedly infringed its copyrights during the first three months of 2014.

The adult content maker also claims that each defendant infringed, on the whole, 17.9 average works that were copyrighted.