Users of Comet Systems Inc’s software, which turns Microsoft Windows cursors into animated characters, were dismayed recently by the discovery that the system tracks which web sites they visit and feeds the information back to Comet. One of my main concerns is that it would not seem obvious to most users that an animated cursor should or would be sending any information back to a central point, said Lauren Weinstein, moderator of the Privacy Forum and a founder of People For Internet Responsibility (PFIR). Comet is equally dismayed with the scandal that quickly ensued. We were particularly surprised that the attention focused on our privacy practices since we collect no information whatsoever from people who use our software, the company said in a statement. Because we never ask you for your name, email address, or any other personal information when you download and install the Comet Cursor, we guarantee not only your privacy: we guarantee your anonymity.

This is a little disingenuous. Comet admits it sends anonymous cursor-counting information to its servers, but says its critics have misconstrued its intentions. I realize and regret that we haven’t been clear enough about this, said spokesperson Ben Austin. The company has formalized its privacy policy, has simplified un-installation of its software, has made it possible to delete the download number in each copy of the Comet Cursor and has promised to seek certification from industry self- regulation groups TrustE and the Online Privacy Association. Weinstein is not appeased by these moves. They have chosen not to provide information on those pages to clue people in to the fact that there is anything about the cursors which might relate specifically to privacy concerns, so how many people will choose to read the privacy links is unclear, he said. Depending on Javascript and browser conditions, it’s even possible that the cursors might be downloaded automatically, not giving the user even a chance to view the privacy policy. Whether TrustE, that notoriously toothless watchdog, will do anything to address the situation remains to be seen.