Lightning Computers Inc, the San Francisco company dedicated to creating a revolution in personal computer industry pricing, is offering to upgrade any personal computer to a 33MHz 80486 system for $1,000, and says that while the price is close to breakeven, it expect to win over a large number of long-term customers with top-notch service: the board comes with 128Kb of cache, expandable to 256Kb, seven slot AT bus, AMI BIOS and SIMM sockets that hold up to 32Mb; Lightning will upgrade any standard format80 386 for $1,000 and any XT or AT-class machine for $1,300, including labour, although there is an additional $125 charge if a new case and power supply are required for non-standard sized machines; memory is $65 per megabyte if the existing RAM cannot be used and the work can be done on-site for $65 per hour; upgrades from XT- and AT-alikes to an 80386 starts at $300.