Cap Gemini Sogeti SA cannot allow itself to have three consecutive years of losses and must re-establish profitability from 1994, warns Ernst-Antoine Seilliere, chairman of Cap Gemini shareholder CGIP. But he said this would not be achieved by Gap Gemini floating its Gemini Consulting unit on the Paris bourse, Reuter reports from Paris. Cap Gemini’s real recovery will not be achieved through financial engineering. It lies in re-establishing operating profitability: this is a question of adapting supply and demand, the rest is accessory, he told the financial daily L’Agefi. Seilliere said CGIP would not necessarily sell out to a new strategic partner for Cap Gemini if Daimler Benz does not exercise its option to take control of Cap Gemini parent Sogeti SA next year. If it (Daimler) does not exercise it the option), CGIP would probably cede its place to a new strategic shareholder, he said. 1995 will perhaps be when we have to take a position on what to do about our holding in the company, he said.