Virgin Media customers were flooded with hundreds of spam emails due to an error in the mailing distribution list of the internet provider.

The glitch meant that any customer clicking ‘reply all’ to the received services email from Virgin to reply to the complete mailing list, resulting in users being bombarded with spam.

Acknowledging a "serious fault", the company apologised for the issue, while claiming that only some customers using internet services from were hit by the glitch, and only those who responded to emails got their email IDs exposed.

Reports, however, have revealed that the over 130,000 consumers were hit with the glitch.

Virgin Media content manager Jim Meadows said that a small proportion of customers have received an email from one of its suppliers, their reply to which, if they select reply all, is sent to a wider group.

"We’re investigating exactly what has happened and, in the meantime, advise people not to respond to this email," Meadows added.

"We are confident that this issue has now been resolved, the problem stopped and further messages prevented.

"We apologise for the inconvenience caused."