Madge Networks NV is now shipping the first phase of its promised Switching to ATM road-map for Asynchronous Transfer Mode to the desktop, which includes what is claimed as the first complete 25Mbps workgroup Asynchronous Mode system. Shipping now are the firm’s Collage 25Mbps and 155Mbps PCI-based adaptors – which are to cost $430 and $1,300 respectively – and the Collage 280 Workgroup ATM Switch, a 12-port stackable 25Mbps Asynchronous Transfer switch that is claimed to adapt between switched Ethernet and Asynchronous Mode on each of its ports. The 280 is to cost $7,800. The Collage 250 (which is the same but without the switched Ethernet capabilities) will ship later this quarter for $7,000. Both of the switches are bought in OEM from Whitetree Network Technologies Inc.