Needless to say, Apple’s acolytes were rushing to come out with products to add value to the new machines, and among the first up was MacVonk Inc, Cupertino, California, which is offering HandiWorks, a new, integrated software application designed for the PowerBooks, the Classics and the LC. HandiWorks combines a word processor, a spreadsheet, basic drawing and desktop publishing tools and a practical database for phone numbers and addresses. Included are templates for letterhead, invoices and other office forms. The program opens as a blank page where text, numbers (spreadsheets) and images can be created or imported. Everything on the page is linked, no matter how many independent spreadsheets are in the document and whenever a data change is required, all the linked items are automatically updated. HandiWork can read files from all major word processors and spreadsheets and can export to them as well. Pictures can be imported from any populardrawing program, and manipulated within HandiWorks. The PhoneBook is a database that stores up to 5,000 names, phone numbers and addresses. As a desk accessory, it runs in 50Kb because only the active record is stored in memory. Macintoshes with 1Mb can easily run HandiWorks under System 6, and the 2Mb now standard on PowerBooks, Classics and other new Macintoshes is more than sufficient for running HandiWorks under System 7. It will be shipping next month and costs $175.