Lynx Real-Time Systems’ LynxOS real time operating system has now passed the IEEE’s Posix standards for the Unix operating system, as well as the US government’s Federal Information Processing FIPS-151 – standard, giving a boost to the fortunes of the Campbell, California-based real-time specialists. Plans were first mooted last summer, and in addition LynxOS is now compatible with AT&T’s Unix System V.386 at the binary level, which means it can run a range of shrink-wrapped software including the Informix relational database, WordPerfect word processor, QCalc and Masterplan spreadsheets, and Fortran, Pascal and Basic compilers. Development work included a complete rewrite of what is claimed to be the only fully compatible real time version of Unix – it has no AT&T code – and it is also compatible at source level with Berkeley 4.3.