Farnham, Surrey-based terminals and systems manufacturer Lynwood Scientific Developments Ltd, a long-time Sparcsystems developer, is working on a ruggedised 27 lbs Explorer SparcStation-compatible machine for the defence and industrial markets, using Sparcstation 5 or 20 technology, with two floppy drives, a 10.4 thin-film transistor active matrix colour display, Ethernet, serial, parallel and audio input-output and Small Computer Systems Interface-2 ports and four Sbus slots. Lynwood apparently has a Hewlett-Packard Co Precision Architecture portable up and running, with a Digital Equipment Corp Alpha variant planned. Lynwood is now owned by New York-based NAI Technologies Inc. Explorer will be available this quarter, with Hewlett-Packard RISCs and DEC Alphas by the end of the year. Prices will start from รบ20,000. Lynwood manufactures workstations, X-terminals and character terminals, principally for the defence industry.