Web portal Lycos Inc has acquired GuestWorld, a company that claims tgo be the web’s largest provider of free online guestbook services, for $3.9m in stock. Sunnyvale, California- based GuestWorld’s service allows visitors to register and comment on a person’s homepage and automatically compiles visitors’ email addresses, so a page owner can stay in touch with guests, respond to comments, and inform them of site updates. The deal makes the newly-acquired company the exclusive provider of guestbook services on Lycos’ Tripod service and, Lycos said, will also continue to be available for free to page builders across the web. The move increases the portfolio of page-building tools that Lycos can offer its users and, more importantly, is expected to immediately increase Tripod’s targeted advertising inventory. Lycos said that through acquisitions such as this will help it to reach its goal of being the leading online service. GuestWorld will continue to operate out of its Sunnyvale office and its co- founder Steve Mack will become the product manager for Guestworld, reporting to Tripod vice president of marketing Scott Walker.