AI2 is designed to automatically detect the system requirements of third-party software via AI2 Integration Scripts and to configure the desktop operating system accordingly, according to Maple Valley, Washington-based Lycoris.

It was first aired at the LinuxWorld event earlier this month and has now been delivered with Desktop/LX 1.4 as well as a new Lycoris Web Suite of Mozilla-based browser and e-mail client applications and the 3.2.3 version of the KDE desktop.

The operating system is based on version 2.4.26 of the Linux kernel as opposed to the recently released 2.6 version. This is due to the maturity and stability of the 2.4 version, according to Lycoris, although it is planning to release an add-on for Desktop/LX 1.4 called a SeedPak that will include cutting-edge 2.6 functionality.