Lucent Technologies Inc, Murray Hill, New Jersey saw solid earnings and revenue growth at the high end of the range the company had projected two weeks ago for its second fiscal quarter ended March 31. On April 3, Lucent finance chief Donald Peterson told analysts he expected net income in the range of $55m to $66m or 0.09 to $0.10 a share, more than double the analysts’ consensus estimate at the time. It did $66m, 10 cents a share. Within the figures, revenues for systems for network operators rose 23.3% to $2.93bn, microelectronic products rose 18.3% to $615m and business communications systems were up 14.1% to $1.3bn. But the consumer business is not a happy hunting ground these days, and revenues from consumer products decreased 41% to $174m – expected due to the restructuring of the business to up profitability.