LSI has unveiled Tarari T2500 content processor, which it claims to be designed to meet the content processing requirements of ultra high-speed, ultra low-latency networking applications.

The Tarari T2500 offloads critical security processing and application recognition from the host processor, delivering improved network performance and increased security, the company said.

The company claims that silicon-based content processors enable security applications to detect intrusions, viruses and other malware at very high speeds with minimal impact on the host processor.

In addition, Tarari content processors can be programmed to recognise the data flowing through the network so that specific data types such as video can be identified and prioritised over other traffic.

LSI said that the Tarari T2500 dedicates multiple on-chip resources to significantly reduce latencies and increase single-flow throughput up to 5GB/s for improved performance, allowing OEMs to deliver up to 20GB/s of security processing or 100GB/s of application recognition.

According to LSI, the new processor is pin-compatible with existing Tarari T2000 content processors and includes support for DDR3 memories and features the PCI Express Gen 2 interface, doubling bus bandwidth. All Tarari T1000, T2000 and T2500 content processors, including the DPI engine embedded in the communication processor, use a common API and rule syntax, which maximises code reuse across multiple platforms and applications.

Tareq Bustami, director of multicore communication processors for networking components division, LSI, said: Securing networks and identifying time-critical traffic, such as video streaming, are both key elements in next-generation enterprise and service provider networks.

The innovative architecture deployed in the T2500 content processor provides unprecedented performance and extremely low latency while supporting the most content inspection rules in the industry.