Milpitas, California-based LSI Logic Corp, which launched the SparcKit 25 and 40 for building Sparc-based workstations in March this year, has announced a licensing agreement with Sun Microsystems for a SparcKit 20 chip set running at 20MHz which it says it is targeting at the economic end of the market. LSI says it wants to expand the market for Sparc-based systems into the office and promises that it will maintain momentum and continue to develop compatible applications. To date there are over 2,500 software applications available for Sparc-based systems, but of these, only six different ones, including Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect, are seen by LSI as the right kinds for market expansion. Within the next six months LSI Logic hopes also to be shipping an 80 MIPS 40MHz Sparc implementation.